Saturday 17 August 2013

Thoughts of 50 shades

I do not own any of the 50 shades of Grey trilogy. I am borrowing the characters just for fun and not profit.

Chapter 6.
Christian and Elliot spend the next minutes in contemplative silence. Both has slightly fuzzy heads, they had both drunk a lot more then what was normal for either of them.

Christian smirked to himself as he remembered the last time he and Elliot has been drunk. Not so long ago, fortnight? 3 weeks?
They had been at their parents place out at Bellevue. A hot sunny afternoon, gentle breeze blowing in land from the Sound, just enough to keep things comfortable.
Carrick had been dealing with the barbecue, the women folk, Grace, Mia, Ana and Kate had bee busy preparing salads, and accoutrement's for the meal. Elliot, Christian and Ethan had been following the Mariners on TV and as time had gone by, had got very boisterous with the help of several cans of beer.
Game over the three young men had come out onto the lawn to demand food, hold a post mortem on how The Mariners had lost, Again.
Christian found Ana sitting on a swing seat with a glass of white wine. Sitting beside her he nuzzled her neck," Hi babe, you OK?" he put his arm around her waist pulling her nearer to him snuggling his head into her shoulder."Mmm you smell good" he sighed with a small groan

She pushed him away "You smell of beer, how many have you had?"
"A few Mariners lost, again"
"That seems like a few too many" Ana scolds.
"Are you saying I can't hold my liquor, Mrs Grey?"
"Well you seem a little giddy"
"Giddy me!"
"Yes you're not usually this demonstrative."
"Come here," he growled "I'll soon give you a demonstration"
"Hey Christian!" It's Elliot
"What?"scowled Christian, pissed at being disturbed "Leave me alone, can't you see I'm making out with this woman. Her husband will be back soon so I haven't got long"
"Are you pissed little bro?" Elliot laughs
"Only at you, disturbing me while I trying to get it on with this woman" grins Christian, snuggling up to Ana
"I knew it, you're only up for it when you are drunk" Teases Elliot.
" I can drink you to oblivion any day"smirks Christian
"Is that a challenge little bro?"
"Yes, if you like. Whats your poison?"
"Vodka shots!"
"You're on "Roxanne"?" says Christian standing to go to the drinks table, which is set up in the garden near the barbecue.
"Roxanne?" queried Elliot .
"It's a game we played at Harvard. We play Stings"Roxanne" and every time the Word "Roxanne" is sung you take a shot, if you're still standing at the end of the song you win!" explained Christian, taking a bottle of water and swigging it down.
Elliot grinned "You're on"
Christian gave him an evil grin "Sure?"
"Too true. I'll line 'em up" says Elliot  a devilish look on his face.
"Got your Ipod babe?" Christian asked Ana.
"Sure, Christian should you be doing this? " Ana is worried
" It's OK, " He whispers "I got the trick of this."
"Hey Christian, " Yells Elliot "You ready for this!"
"Bring it on bro"

Grace has heared this exchange and she will, put a stop to it. Carrick has no idea of the song so is not particularly worried. Grace on the other hand does know.
"Elliot! Christian! you stop right there"
"Aw mom it's just a bit of fun" says Elliot, "Christian is such a light weight he'll be out in no time"
"You think so?" Says Christian full of bravado.
"Leave 'em to it Grace, If they are stupid enough to go through with this they're both old enough to deal with the fallout"Carrick says resigned. He knew that the boys liked to wind each other up.
"Just a minute, " Said Christian He took a bottle of spring water and a hamburger and ate and drank them down.
" Aw come on Christian stop messing around" Elliot admonished impatiently "Getting cold feet bro?"
"No I'm hungry, set em up and I'll show you"
So drinks lined up the song Started "Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red dress....."
each took a shot and downed it in one.
As the song progressed to the chorus and the word repeated several times Ana noticed that Christian only pretended to drink every third shot. Elliot was starting to sway a bit and his laughter more manic. Till suddenly he dropped his glass and ran to the small dock where the Grey's boat was docked and was violently sick into the Sound.
Christian gave a yell of triumph, "I win" he shouted, turned a perfect cartwheel landing on his feet. He sat rather clumsily beside Ana and snuggled down with his head on her chest.
Elliot shook his head " Bastard!" he said softly as he staggered back onto the grass and passed out completely.

The Family stood about mouths open amazed at their antics.

"I think we'd better get him inside to sleep it off" says Grace disgusted indicating her eldest son.
Ethan and Carrick  tried to get Elliot to his feet but it wasn't easy his long legs wouldn't co operate in his dazed state.
"Taylor! "Called Ana "Will you help get Elliot in the house, please and then we'll take Christian home"
"Certainly ma'am" Taylor answered quietly hiding his grin.
So with the aid of their CPO they managed to get Elliot into the house. Kate's face was white with fury as she followed them in.
Christian was snickering at Elliot. His head was still on Ana's chest and he began to snuggle into her breast his hand trailing up her thigh. crooning to her, how beautiful she was.
"Come to bed " He said seductively kissing her neck.
Ana was blushing crimson pushing him away "Christian! stop it, behave yourself. Mia!" She called "Can you bring me a bottle of water, please ?"
She pushed Christian further away from her "Christian Sit up!"she ordered
"You're a bossy little thing" He slurred trying to push up her skirt again.
She slapped his hand away and he groaned "Aw please come to bed."
Mia brought the bottle of water giggling at her brother. Ana took it from her, took the lid off and poured it over Christians head.
"Fuck, Ana!" he spluttered.
" Now get up and pull yourself together!" Ana snapped at him,angrily. She was totally embarrassed at his behaviour.
Taylor  returned with Ethan and Carrick. They hoisted Christian to his feet. He pushed them away.
"I can walk by myself " he grumbled "I'm going home. Taylor, you drive"
Taylor looked at him with a bemused look on his face trying to maintain his professional demeanour.
"Certainly sir" The corners of his mouth crinkled.
Grace arrived on the scene. Seeing her youngest son on his feet at least. She turned to Ana,
"Are you alright, can you manage him with Taylor? Do you want Carrick or Ethan to come with you?"
"No we'll be fine thank you Grace, Sawyer is at home and he'll be there to help get him in the elevator, Grace I'm really sorry about this" Ana looked mortified at her husbands antics.
"What if he starts throwing up in the car?" Grace looked worried.
"He won't, " Said Ana " That's why he ate a 'burger and drank water before they started at their stupid game, first rule of drinking " Ana went on to say "Never drink on an empty stomach, will stop you being sick, but not behaving stupid" She glowered at Christian. He at least tried to look contrite, giving her a little sexy smile.
Ana could see where is mind was going, but no way!  "Lets get you home" she said. Christians grin broadened "OK!" he said hopefully.

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