Thursday 8 August 2013

Thoughts of 50 shades

NB I do not own any part of E.L. Jame's novels. I am just borrowing them for fun and not for profit. I hope Ms James will not be offended at my musings.

Chapter 1

Christian Grey, sat at his desk in his office at Grey House. Head quarters of Grey Enterprise Holdings. The meeting he had just attended has left him thoroughly frustrated and pissed off.
" It's like trying to get blood from a fucking stone getting sense out off these people," he grumbled to himself running his fingers through his already tousled hair.
At that moment there was a quiet tap on his door.
"Come" he growled. the door opened and Andrea Parker his PA entered. looking warily at her boss trying to ascertain his mood.

"Are you ready for your coffee now sir?" she asked tentatively.
" Yes please Andrea. What else is there on the schedule for today?" he said with a sigh.

Andrea looked at her tablet with a slight frown, "Nothing much sir. You have a meeting planned with Barny Sullivan at 3pm. and you have pencilled in a session with Mr Bastille at 4.30. However, you do have some correspondence to look over,and some contracts to sign,"

" OK, I'll do what I can with with the letters, before lunch and deal with the contracts before Mr Sullivan at 3. I think I'm due to met Ros for lunch, is that right?"

"Yes sir"
"I'll have coffee now please "
"Very well Sir" and Andrea turned on her heel and went out of the office.
As she closed the door she gave a little shake of her head marvelling at the change in Mr Grey over the last few weeks.

In the office Christan fired up his laptop and logged on to his email account

To Christian Grey CEO
Subject Chocolate soldiers.
From Anastasia Grey Editor SIP

Dear Mr Grey,
I do hope my chocolate soldier is not still standing at attention he really ought to be at ease ready for action this evening.

Christian was just taking a sip of his coffee as her read the email from his wife

To Anastasia Grey Editor SIP
Subject Wet hardware,
From Christian Grey CEO. GEH

 Will you stop doing this to me? this is not the first time I have spat coffee on my key board.
 Barny is getting worried.
As to chocolate soldier, he was resting quite nicely until I read this email. But we are all attention ready for action now.
I may have to return the compliment with????????????????
I'll think of something.


Christian Grey CEO, Grey Enterprise Holdings

From Anastasia Grey Editor SIP
Subject anxious
To Christian Grey CEO GEH

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH will we need further supplies of  bed linen?

Anxious Anaxx

Just as he was about to reply to Ana's suggestive email there was a knock on the door and Ros Bailey strode in with a face like thunder,
"What the fuck is this?" She demanded waving a sheaf of papers in his face.
"What the hell....." started Christian surprised at his right hand "mans" out burst.
"I didn't know we were dealing with Jordan Developments and here they are sending us this ridiculous proposal" she ranted
"Ros calm down," snapped Christian "I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
Ros threw the thick wad of paper down on his desk in disgust.
Christian glanced down at the logo on the outer cover of a portfolio and scowled.
" I don't know anything about this. What is it?"
Ros sat down on the visitor chair and looked at Christian sceptically
" It's a contract to develop a solar panel unit that will absorb 20% more ultraviolet light. The idea is fantastic but what they are proposing is just outrageous. It takes all the patented rites and profits from the creator. We will come out with nothing just a trivial sum for the idea" She looked appalled.
Christian looked bemused, "I know nothing about this"
" You don't!" Ros amazed "Where has it come from then?"
"No idea" Christian said picking up the portfolio.

Later that evening Christian was on the phone to Elliot.
"Hi bro," said Elliot cheerfully,"what can I do for you, you needing advice from the love doctor?"
Christian grinned to himself Elliot really had no idea.
"No but I think you need advice from me."
"What makes you think that you can advise me on making love?"
"Oh for fucks sake Elliot give it up. I was just calling to ask you what the hell are you dealing with Jordan Developments"
"And how the hell do you know about that?"asked Elliot his voice incredulous.
"Because the incompetent, sloppy idiots have sent the contract to my company, They obviously think we are one and the same. Plus, their proposal takes everything from you, credit, patent, and profit. I hope you haven't signed up on any of this"
"What! No I haven't signed anything It was only a tentative proposal. I hoped to make a little money from it"
"Well, you'll get nothing from their offer"
" Do you have any idea's?"
" Do you trust me, Elliot?"
"Bro, You have made several Billion dollars over the past few years. With a brain like yours course I trust you"
"Good, Give me a couple days to do some research and I'll make you a multi millionair"
"Oh yes, We can do this, just leave it with me and then we'll show 'em what the Grey boys can do."
"OK, lets do it. What are you doing this evening fancy going to a bar for drink?"
"No thanks, I've a couple of ideas to practise with Ana, seeing how you think I need to get more experience. Laters!!"

Please review should I continue with it     


  1. Replies
    1. Thankyou. I hope you will find time to read the other chapters. your input is very much appreciated
